List of papers by Denis Ponomaryov


A. Demin, Y. Dorn, A. Katrutsa, D. Kazantsev, I. Latypov, Y. Maximlyuk, and D. Ponomaryov
EEvA: Fast Expert-Based Algorithms for Buffer Page Replacement.
Submitted 2024

S. Zinchenko and D. Ponomaryov
The Selection Problem in Multi-Query Optimization: A Comprehensive Survey.
Submitted 2024

A. Demin and D. Ponomaryov
Machine Learning with Probabilistic Law Discovery: a Concise Introduction.
The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University, Series Mathematics 43: 91-109, 2023.

A. Demin and D. Ponomaryov
Interpretable Reinforcement Learning with Multilevel Subgoal Discovery.
21st International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, Nassau, Bahamas, December 12-14, 2022.

D. Ponomaryov
On the relationship between the complexity of decidability and decomposability of first-order theories.
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 42: 2905–2912, 2021.

P. Emelyanov, M. Krishna, V. Kulkarni, S.K. Nandy, D. Ponomaryov, and S. Raha
Factorization of Boolean polynomials: Parallel algorithms and experimental evaluation.
Programming and Computer Software 47: 108-118, 2021.

S. Goncharov, S. Ospichev, D. Ponomaryov, and D. Sviridenko
The expressiveness of looping terms in the Semantic Programming.
Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports (SEMR) 17: 380-394, 2020.

A. Mantsivoda and D. Ponomaryov
On termination of transactions over semantic document models.
The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University, Series Mathematics 31: 111-131, 2020.
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P. Emelyanov and D. Ponomaryov
The complexity of AND—decomposition of Boolean functions.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 280: 113-132, 2020.

D. Ponomaryov
A Polynomial Time Delta-Decomposition Algorithm for positive DNFs.
Proc. CSR'2019, The 14th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 2019.

V. Kulkarni, P. Emelyanov, D. Ponomaryov, M. Krishna, S. Raha, and S K Nandy
Parallel Factorization of Boolean Polynomials.
Proc. PSI'2019, The 12th Ershov Informatics Conference, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 2019.

A. Mantsivoda and D. Ponomaryov
A Formalization of Document Models with Semantic Modelling.
The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University, Series Mathematics 27: 36-54, 2019.

S. Ospichev and D. Ponomaryov
On the complexity of formulas in Semantic Programming.
Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports (SEMR) 15: 987-995, 2018.

D. Ponomaryov and S. Yakovenko
DeFind: A Protege plugin for computing concept definitions in EL ontologies.
Proc. JIST'2018, The 8th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference, Awaji City, Hyogo, Japan, November 2018.

P. Emelyanov and D. Ponomaryov
On a polytime factorization algorithm for multilinear polynomials over F2.
Proc. CASC'2018, The 20th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, Lille, France, September 2018.

D. Ponomaryov and M. Soutchanski
Progression of decomposed local-effect action theories.
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) 18(2), 2017.

G. Behnke, F. Nielsen, M. Schiller, D. Ponomaryov, P. Bercher, B. Glimm, W. Minker, and S. Biundo
To plan for the user is to plan with the user: Integrating user interaction into the planning process.
In Companion Technology. A Paradigm Shift in Human-Technology Interaction. Ed. by S. Biundo and A. Wendemuth, Springer International Publishing, 2017.

Y. Kazakov, D. Ponomaryov
On the complexity of semantic integration of OWL ontologies.
Proc.   DL'2017, The Description Logic Workshop, Montpellier, France, July 2017.
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P. Emelyanov and D. Ponomaryov
Cartesian decomposition in data analysis.
Proc.   SSDSE, IEEE Symposium on Data Science and Engineering, Novosibirsk, Russia, April 2017.

G. Behnke, D. Ponomaryov, M. Schiller, P. Bercher, F. Nothdurft, B. Glimm, and S. Biundo
Coherence across components in cognitive systems – One ontology to rule them all.
Proc.   IJCAI '2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 2015.

P. Emelyanov and D. Ponomaryov
Algorithmic issues of AND-decomposition of boolean formulas.
Programming and Computer Software 41(3): 162-169, 2015.

G. Behnke, P. Bercher, S. Biundo, B. Glimm, D. Ponomaryov, and M. Schiller
Integrating ontologies and planning for cognitive systems.
Proc.   DL '2015, The Description Logic Workshop, Athens, Greece, June 2015.

P. Emelyanov and D. Ponomaryov
On Tractability of Disjoint AND-Decomposition of Boolean Formulas.
Proc. PSI'2014, Peterhof, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2014.

D. Ponomaryov and M. Soutchanski
Progression of decomposed Situation Calculus theories.
In Proc.  AAAI'2013, Bellevue, USA, July 2013.
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D. Ponomaryov and D. Vlasov
Concept definability and interpolation in enriched models of EL-TBoxes
In Proc.  DL'2013, The Description Logic Workshop.
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D. Ponomaryov and D. Vlasov
A sort-binding method of combining logics.
In Proc.  UNILOG'2013, The 4th World Congress on Universal Logic.

D. Ponomaryov and D. Vlasov
On definability and redundancy in EL-TBoxes.
In Proc.  RR'2012, Vienna, Austria, September 2012.

E. Vityaev, A. Demin, and D. Ponomaryov
Probabilistic generalization of formal concepts.
Programming and Computer Software 38(5): 219-230, 2012.

A. Demin, D. Ponomaryov, and E. Vityaev
Probabilistic concepts in formal contexts.
In Proc.  ARCOE Workshop at IJCAI’11, Barcelona, Spain, July 2011.
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A. Morozov and D. Ponomaryov
On decidability of the decomposability problem for finite theories.
Siberian Mathematical Journal, 51(4):838-847, 2010.
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B. Konev, C. Lutz, D. Ponomaryov, and F. Wolter
Decomposing description logic ontologies.
In Proc. KR'2010, Toronto, Canada, May 2010.

D. Ponomaryov
On decomposability in logical calculi.
Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center, Comp. Science, 28: 111-120, 2008.
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D. Ponomaryov
A decomposability criterion for elementary theories.
Siberian Mathematical Journal, 49(1): 152-154, 2008.
PDF (English) PDF (Russian)

N. Omelianchuk, V. Mironova, E. Zalevsky, N. Podkolodny, D. Ponomaryov, S. Nikolaev, I. Akberdin, E. Ozonov, V. Likhoshvai, S. Fadeev, A.  Penenko, V. Lavrekha, U. Zubairova, and N. Kolchanov
Plant morphogenesis: reconstruction in databases and modeling.
In Computational System Biology, Ed. by N. Kolchanov, S. Goncharov, V. Likhoshvai, and V. Ivanisenko, SB RAS Publishing, pages 539-588, 2008. 

D. Ponomaryov
Generalized decomposability notions for first-order theories.
Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center, Comp. Science, 26: 103-110, 2007.

D. Ponomaryov
Properties of relatively decomposable theories.
In Proc. KONT'07 conference, Vol.1, pages 116-121. Novosibirsk, September 2007. 

D. Ponomaryov, N. Omelianchuk, V. Mironova, E. Zalevsky, N. Podkolodny, E. Mjolsness, and N. Kolchanov
From published expression and phenotype data to structured knowledge: the Arabidopsis gene net supplementary database and its applications
In Proc. KONT'07 conference, Novosibirsk, September 2007.  

D. Ponomaryov
Syntactic unambiguity with respect to knowledge representation in first-order logic.
PhD Thesis, Institute of Informatics Systems, Novosibirsk (Russia), 2006. In Russian

N. Omelianchuk, V. Mironova, E. Zalevsky, I. Shamov, A. Poplavsky, N.  Podkolodny, D. Ponomaryov, S. Nikolaev, E. Mjolsness, E. Meyerowitz, and N. Kolchanov
A systems approach to morphogenesis in Arabidopsis Thaliana: I. AGNS database.
Biophysics (Biophisika), 51(1): 75-82, 2006. 

D. Ponomaryov
Semantic Web basics in logical consideration.
Lecture Notes in Informatics, P-94(2): 337-344, 2006. 

D. Ponomaryov
Formal knowledge representation and the decomposability problem.
Preprint No.135, Institute of Informatics Systems, Novosibirsk, 2006. In Russian

D. Ponomaryov, N. Omelianchuk, N. Kolchanov, E. Mjolsness, and E. Meyerowitz
Semantically rich ontology of anatomical structure and development for Arabidopsis thaliana (L.).
In Proc. Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2006), pages 227-230. Novosibirsk, July 2006. 

V. Mironova, A. Poplavsky, D. Ponomaryov, and N. Omelianchuk
Ontology of Arabidopsis Genenet Supplementary Database (AGNS): Cross references to TAIR ontology.
In Proc. Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2006), pages 209-212. Novosibirsk, July 2006. 

D. Ponomaryov, N. Omelianchuk, N. Kolchanov, E. Mjolsness, and E. Meyerowitz
A program method for inferring relationships between phenotypic abnormalities of Arabidopsis.
In Proc. Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2006), pages 231-234. Novosibirsk, July 2006. 

D. Ponomaryov
Lattice semantics for incremental data extraction from declarative knowledge bases.
Preprint No.134, Institute of Informatics Systems, Novosibirsk, 2006. In Russian

D. Ponomaryov
The decomposability problem in the light of minimization of axioms.
In Proc. Microsoft conference on Computer Science, pages 213-215. Novosibirsk, February, 2006. In Russian

D. Ponomaryov
On decomposability of elementary theories.
Algebra and Model Theory, 5:162-169, 2005. In Russian

D. Ponomaryov.
Using ontology languages in development of Web-based information systems.
Bulletin of the Novosibirsk State University, Information Technology Series, 1(2):5-20, 2004. In Russian

D. Ponomaryov
Building descriptions of subject domains with metadata languages.
In Proc. XLI International Scientific Student Conference (ISSC'03), pages 39-40. Novosibirsk, April 2003. In Russian